File synchronization plugin idea

Viktor Porvaznik viktor.porvaznik at
Wed Dec 19 16:04:08 GMT 2018


I am using kdeconnect on openSUSE and find it very useful app. I have
following two use cases that I have solved but I was wondering about more
elegant solution (and if it would be worth it).

First I have an encrypted pw safe data (and possibly some other private
data) that I have on my phone, desktop, laptop. Once in a while when I
create new entry or edit an existing one I update the pw safe db and I need
to copy that manually between all devices. Depending on a frequency that
might be quite often. For security reasons I dont use cloud and everything
is offline only copied over USB or private wifi. To facilitate I was
thinking to make shell scripts that will do the job and use it trough
execute command plugin but I find that very specific to the problem.

Second use case would be photos. I am often taking photos (even have
private cloud backup) but I would like to have all photos downloaded /
synchronized to set folder on my pc, and even possibly to execute some post
copy - processing shell scripts once all photos are downloaded e.g.
conversion of photos, resize, upload to gallery.

I was thinking to write stuff just for myself (or just keep it as shell
scripts) but then I was wondering whether it would be maybe a good idea to
make it more generic? I was considering to implement it a plugin. The issue
is that tt would be depending on sftp plugin which creates dependency not
only on a base app.

I would have an initial idea (even have a crude prototype) and I have some
more technical questions if it turns out to be a good idea. I am new to
D-Bus stuff and I find it pretty interesting, so please any comments are

Thank you,
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