DBus issue

Nicolas Fella nicolas.fella at gmx.de
Thu Apr 26 00:25:26 UTC 2018

Hi Qt masters!

I've been working on exposing Android media sessions to the desktop 
(reverse to what we already have). The parts I already implemented work 
good when inspecting from QDbusViewer, but I have some trouble 
displaying them in the app.

The information is displayed correctly, but is not updated when it 
changes. I assume there is an issue with the QProperty notify signal 
over DBus. In interfaces/dbusinterfaces.h:132 I found a comment about a 
workaround regarding those signals:

//  TODO: Workaround because qdbusxml2cpp is not generating
//  the signals for the properties

I assume it is about https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-48008. In my 
case the workaround does not seem to help, which makes perfect sense to 
me. It is using proxy signals that are connected to the original 
signals, but don't the proxy signals suffer from the same issue? From 
QDbusViewer I don't see any signals in the mprisremote path.

Can you confirm my thinking and do you have any idea how to solve?



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