KDEConnect Bluetooth Support

Krutov Mikhail nekoxmachina at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 16:11:37 UTC 2017


I'm highly interested in Bluetooth support feature, and while there is a 
relevant bug in KDE Bugtracker*, reviewboard request, and mentions of this in 
various sources, the current state is unclear. 

News article** about KDEConnect release 1.0 states that code should end up in 
master branch soon; however currently it did not land there yet.

Does current bluetooth branch on github represent current state of bluetooth 
support or is there any work ongoing by any of project contributors? 

Thing is, I'm highly interested in this feature, however I only have Android 
development experience (and very, very, very limited understanding of Qt/C++ 
code), so if any kind of help needed with implementing & supporting bluetooth 
support on Android side - I'm willing to do so, but it is unclear where to 
start with that.

* https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330536

** https://albertvaka.wordpress.com/2016/08/26/kde-connect-1-0-is-here/

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