System settings animation

Dave Close dave at
Sat Aug 17 22:36:27 BST 2024

Personally, I hate animation and all desktop effects. I just updated
to Fedora 40, which includes Plasma 6, and I was greatly annoyed that
the new version added a ton of new effects and turned them on by
default. I've turned all of them off without even reading anything
about them. There ought to be a way to set a default so that such
changes don't get enabled by default.

I've done the same for every place I've found that allows me to disable
animation. Where I can't disable it, I've set it to work as quickly
as possible.

But animation in system settings has annoyed me for a long time and
still does. It ignores that I've turned animation off everywhere I can.
Moving from one item in the list to the associated page and back again
insists on sliding the page, slowly. Is there a way to disable this
behavior and return to a sane presentation?
Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA      "Why would you want to control
dave at, +1 714 434 7359    quality? Let it run rampant."
dhclose at            - Dan Neilson

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