Automatic PSK wifi on boot

Dave Close dave at
Sun Feb 26 17:00:04 GMT 2023

Bertin wrote:

>I wrote:
>>I want the connection to come up automatically on boot. The trick
>>seems to be, where do I put the password so NM can see it? And what
>>other settings have to be there so it even tries to see it?

>Are you going through KDE's interface to NM, whatever
>`kde-nm-connection-editor` is called nowadays? I usually launch that
>via the wrench icon in the top-right corner of the network connection
>drop-down menu.
>I think the trick you're looking for is to indicate that "all
>users may connect to this network" (in the "General Configuration"
>tab when you edit a given connection). I've learned that automatic
>connection to a WiFi network is wonky if you don't select that option,
>but I have done nothing particular otherwise and for me WiFi connects
>automatically at some point during the boot process.

Thanks for the reply. I've tried the connection editor. Although it
asks me to enter the password, I haven't found that it stores the
result anywhere. What I'm really trying to do is to edit the actual
"connection profile" in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections.
Somewhere I read that psk-flags should be 0 to store a password but
the connection editor always sets that to 1.

It's possible that the problem stems from the KDE wallet. I haven't
set it up and find it annoying that it seems to be required.
Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA      "Curiosity is insubordination
dave at, +1 714 434 7359    in its purest form."
dhclose at             -- Vladimir Nabokov

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