Can KWin prevent windows from raising themselves from their v.desktop to the current v.desktop?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Fri Dec 16 13:50:42 GMT 2022

On Friday December 16 2022 07:56:11 rhkramer at wrote:

>Definitely useful / preferred behavior for me.  As I'm going through my emails, 
>I click on links that I want to read later (usually after getting through some 
>portion of my emails).

Exactly the use-case I tried to describe. FWIW, you don't even have to want to go through a list of links and/or emails. Often enough there is/are link(s) in a longish email that you're reading through that you want to click on when you come across them (so as not to have to go through all that text again) but without stopping to read that email. So you don't want to get another window in your face. It should not be necessary to lock your browser to a different, fixed desktop in that case.

In fact this is another instance where a desktop/laptop computer should NOT behave the same as a phone/tablet!!


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