Menu background colour

Frank Steinmetzger Warp_7 at
Fri Feb 26 22:44:34 GMT 2021

Am Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 01:42:44PM +0000 schrieb Ianseeks:
> Hi
> With the Plasma latest update to 5.21, any menu is now a dark grey colour.  Is there anyway to change this, its not the best for my eyesight?  I'm using Breeze for everything.

I also had a colour issue, although in my case the window titlebars had the
wrong colour right after the upgrade from 5.20 to 5.21. I “fixed” it by
going to system settings → appearance → colours and then set the theme to
something different and then back to Breeze.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’

In the end, every woman can be reduced to carbon and hydrogen.
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