support for multiple touchpad devices in systemsettings5

Константин Плешаков kpleshakov at
Sat Apr 25 10:02:36 BST 2020

Hello everybody.

I use a laptop with an external monitor and keyboard connected and it’s
very convenient for me to have an additional touchpad near the external
keyboard. But I can’t configure it in the systemsets: when changing the
settings, the output of "xinput list-props" changes only for the built-in
touchpad, that is, I can’t configure anything for the external one.

Is it possible to configure both touchpads in the systemsettings interface?
If not, please tell me how can I do without an interface? Where and how
does it save the configuration? I know about /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d, but my
user configuration is clearly saved and loaded in the wrong place. I also
know about the ability to configure devices directly through xinput, but
this seems like the wrong approach.
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