Setting Chromium flags via Plasma app launcher

Ave Milia avemilia at
Tue Sep 10 08:39:09 BST 2019

I cannot set Chromium flags in a way so that when I press the icon "Web
Browser (subtitle: Chromium)" in Plasma Application Launcher they
actually are applied onto the application.

What I have tried:

Attempt 1:
Context menu -> Edit application -> application -> command -> "chromium
--disable-font-subpixel-positioning %u"

Attempt 2:
Context menu -> Edit application -> application -> command -> "chromium
%u --disable-font-subpixel-positioning"

Attempt 3:
Context menu -> Edit application -> application -> advanced options ->
run in terminal -> terminal options -> "--disable-font-subpixel-positioning"

None of it works. This is insane.

What does work:
$ export CHROMIUM_USER_FLAGS="--disable-font-subpixel-positioning"
$ chromium&|

If you look at /usr/bin/chromium, you'll see why it works.

Even when I export this variable in user's zshrc (yes I did relogin) and
"run in terminal" is ticked, the envvar is _still_ ignored. Makes me
wonder under which user the application launcher is launching applications.

So, how do I make it work in the application launcher?

Tumbleweed 20190907
Ave Milia

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