Put all KDE config files under one directory like ~/.config/kde/

Kevin Krammer krammer at kde.org
Mon Mar 12 09:17:06 GMT 2018

On Montag, 12. März 2018 06:33:42 CET stardiviner wrote:
> I found KDE put all components config files under ~/.config/.
> Because there are lot of configs of KDE, and lot of programs configs
> under it.
> When I want to do something (like reset KDE configs) I don't know which
> ones need to delete.
> Put all KDE related config files under ~/.config/kde/ will help user.

It seems that at some point there was a .config/kde.org "vendor" directory, but 
indeed most configs are at the top level nowadays.

I would suggest to file a wish item ticket on bugs.kde.org

Unfortunately changing file locations is a bit problematic, as moving the file 
means an older version won't find it anymore and copying means they easily get 
out of sync.

But it does sound like a good idea to have each vendor use a directory of its 

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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