controlling location of trash on per-filesystem basis?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Wed May 11 22:33:13 BST 2016

System: debian jessie; KDE 4.14.2.

Typically, I have about 20 filesystems of various kinds mounted on my desktop

How do I control, per filesystem, whether files sent to trash from that
filesystem go to a .Trash-<nnnn> directory located on that same filesystem or
whether they go to the home trash located at ~/.local/share/Trash?

For some of the filesystems it makes a lot of sense to send the files to a
trash directory located on the filesystem; but for other filesystems it makes
much more sense to send the file to the home trash.

(Right now, the behaviour seems to be always to create and use a trash
directory on the filesystem of the file being trashed.)



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