The current state of EGL in KDE/Plasma

Martin van Es mrvanes at
Thu Jan 28 10:45:09 GMT 2016

Hi Kevin,

Thx for your insightful reply!

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Kevin Krammer <krammer at> wrote:

> So EGL is to OpenGL what Vulkan WSI (window system integration) is to
> Vulkan,
> the connector between the things that are system specific to the things
> that
> are the same across systems.
For laymen, like me, this is an unpenetrable labyrinth ;) although I try to
catch-up as you can see.

> Then my suggestion would be to use that for the time being :)

True, but my concerns were about being taken over by progress and KDE
developers not being aware their efforts cause harm in "the field"

Besides, there is a warning when enabling EGL in Compistor System Settings,
but it only warns about disabling compositor if EGL is not available. I
think a warning about maturity and stability would be appropriate?

> I think it is in Intel's best interest to provide a well working EGL way
> before GLX is being phased out.

You make it sound like it is the (lack of) maturity of Intel's driver
that's responsible for my experienced plasma's instabilities?
Is there no chance of it being buggy EGL implementation in plasma?

Best regards,
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