kde-4.10.5 && very long boot up time (15 minutes)

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Wed Jun 4 12:11:24 BST 2014


I have some update after further tests on this issue:

The problem with the long time KDE4 needs to boot is clearly ACPI
related; we did the following 5 tests yesterday counting the minutes of
KDE4 from 'startx' to desktop-is-up:

 1. ACPI off, 20:55 - 20:59   4 minutes
 2. ACPI off, 21:04 - 21:06   2 minutes
 3. ACPI on,  21:12 - 21:27  15 minutes 
 4. ACPI off, 21:32 - 21:34   2 minutes
 5. ACPI on,  21:42 - 21:58  16 minutes

>From the last session (number 5) I have here /var/log/messages with
all lines from boot; and a log with timestamps of what
/usr/local/kde4/bin/startkde prints out to STDOUT and STDERR which gives
a good impression when it is doing what:


I have also (if needed) a top's output from every second of the time
beetween 21:42 - 21:58, mostly 100% idle, only 1 time on 11% CPU;

The problem is on

$ uname -a 
FreeBSD freeyaz 10.0-ALPHA4 FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA4 #1: Fri Oct 18 12:10:57
CEST 2013     guru at aurora.Sisis.de:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

Any help or comments?

Is this the right mailing-list to raise this?



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