mounting my camera as a normal (usb) device

Chuck Burns break19 at
Tue Nov 13 20:16:12 GMT 2012

On 11/13/2012 1:44 PM, B.W.H. van Beest wrote:
> On 11/13/2012 01:32 PM, Chuck Burns wrote:
>> $ man mount
> Well, I know how to mount, if I only knew *what* to mount!

unplug the camera, run dmesg, plug it back in, run dmesg..  compare.. 
you should be able to find the camera.. I'm not 100% sure on linux, but 
FreeBSD detects USB drive as /dev/daX, linux doesnt distinguish between 
devices.. so it could be /dev/sdb, sdc, sdd, sde depending on the number 
of storage devices you have connected.  Assuming the camera is /dev/sdc 
you would:
$ mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/camera
on linux.. then your camera's pictures would be under /mnt/camera 
(assuming /mnt/camera exists before the mount command)
Chuck Burns <break19 at>
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