Autostart locations in KDE4

Stephen Dowdy sdowdy at
Thu Jun 2 16:10:15 BST 2011

Tim Edwards wrote, On 06/02/2011 03:53 AM:
> Recently I found that knetworkmanager wasn't starting up when I logged
> into KDE. I tried looking for any mention of it in the 'startup and
> shutdown' control centre module, but no luck. Eventually I found a tip
> on a forum that I had to set 'Autostart=true' in
> ~/.kde4/share/config/networkmanagementrc
> So my question is, what's the status of the autostart stuff: 
> Shouldn't it all be configurable through the standard control centre
> module which stores its settings in the standard (~/.config/autostart)
> directory? 
> Does KDE go scanning through ~/.kde4/share/config/ looking for
> 'Autostart=' in rc-files?


In case it's any help, i enclose a script that dumps out the KDE4 configuration
operational environment in a nice concise format.

There would be a difference between the autostart path and the config path.

The config path would be scanned until it finds a "networkmanagementrc" file.

I believe
    kde4-config --locate networkmanagementrc --path config
would show which file ultimately is going to be used.  (i think it's a scan
and stop on first found algorithm, rather than a merge all files found
that match in the path operation).  it'll show nothing if no config file
is found in the path.

I was surprised when using the kcmshell4 autostart center that it was using
the XDG autostart path to write a new autostart desktop function.  I thought
it would prefer the KDE4 autostart path.  I'm not sure if that indicates
a future deprecation of the KDE4 specific autostart directory in favor
of XDG integration?

If so, you may need to use the 'OnlyShowIn=KDE' directives in such XDG pathed
autostart files if the given application can't or shouldn't run in other
desktop environments.

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