Toggle opacity with a keyboard shortcut?

Tassilo Horn tassilo at
Tue Jun 1 07:39:21 BST 2010

On Tuesday 01 June 2010 00:31:39 Duncan wrote:

Hi Duncan!

> Option 1:
> If you're a strong keyboard user that finds switching to the mouse a
> terrible interruption of your processing stream, this might not work
> for you, [...]

That's the case here. ;-)

> Option 2:
> Another option, one that might work better for you, is to use kwin's
> dynamic scroll-button opacity adjustment feature.  Configure window
> behavior, window actions, ensure that modifier-key (alt or meta) +
> mouse- wheel is set to change opacity.  You can then alt-scroll (or
> meta-scroll, I use meta, aka windows key, as it's intuitive for me
> that the windows key modifier controls windows actions) to near-zero
> opacity to check what's underneath, and back, with little problem.  Of
> course assuming you have a mouse or alternative hardware with a
> scroller...

This is not too bad, but I'd prefer not to use the mouse.

> Option 3:
> Another option would be using the keep-window-above-others feature
> (which has a keyboard shortcut setting available, global shortcuts,
> kwin) to accomplish much the same thing as option 1.  However, this
> could work better if you find switching to the mouse disruptive, as
> you'd simply switch to the reference window, toggle keep-on-top ON,
> switch to the typing window (thereby deactivating the on-top reference
> window, reducing its opacity accordingly), and work, all with the
> keyboard.

So I'd work in a window that shines through the always-on-top window.
Hm, I guess that's too distracting for my eyes.

> Option 4:
> This option should be possible but requires technical knowledge to
> implement.  Use dbus to send opacity-change instructions to kwin, then
> setup a hotkey to invoke said opacity change on the desired window.

That's what I was originally heading for, but I couldn't find a relevant
function in org.kde.KWin with qdbusviewer...

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