KDE should strive for better java support to gain more developers.

Peter Qusec peter.qusec at gmx.de
Sun Apr 27 10:32:30 BST 2008

Proposal: The kde project could get access to a huge pool of developers by integrating java into kde and allowing java applications to become part of the kde distribution.

According to the TIOBE Programming Community Index (http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html) java has about twice the mindshare as c++.
One reason for that is that java is in many ways far more sophisticated than c++. Features like garbage collection, avoidance of pointers, automatic refactoring, not having to duplicate class signatures in header files, easier handling of threads and many more, allow java developers to completely avoid a large array of bugs that c++ developers frequently make (or at least that I did). In my experience I would guess that a java developer is at least twice as effective as a c++ developer meaning (s)he can implement at least twice the functionality in the same time as a c++ developer can.
So far the ugliest part that I've encountered in java is swing, but that should be no problem since it could be replaced by jambi.
One important obstacle for java so far was that it wasn't open source but sun has changed that during the last year.
Therefore I would welcome a better support for java in kde because that would allow me to contribute the kde project.

Best regards,
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