automounting IPOD

Patrick Nagel mail at
Fri Apr 27 14:09:47 BST 2007

Use udev for that...

a part of my /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules:

BUS=="scsi", SYSFS{model}=="iPod            ", KERNEL=="sd*",   NAME="ipod%n"

the iPod will then always be /dev/ipod<partition_number>.


Justin Denick (Friday, 27. April 2007):
> man fstab
>        Instead of giving the device explicitly, one may indicate the (ext2
> or
>        xfs)  filesystem that is to be mounted by its UUID or volume label
> (cf.
>        e2label(8) or  xfs_admin(8)),  writing  LABEL=<label>  or
> UUID=<uuid>,
>        e.g.,   `LABEL=Boot'   or
> `UUID=3e6be9de-8139-11d1-9106-a43f08d823a6'.
>        This will make the system more robust: adding or removing a  SCSI
> disk
>        changes the disk device name but not the filesystem volume label.
> Problem is IDK if the IPOD is going to have an UUID, though it might have a
> label though
> On 4/26/07, David Corbin < at> wrote:
> > I have gentoo + KDE.  When I plugin in my iPod I get a "Permission
> > denied" message pop up on my screen.  Konqueror opens up with
> > system:/media/sda2 in
> > the Location bar, but cannot access it.  I do have hal, dbus and
> > mediamanager
> > running.
> >
> > If I add an fstab entry for /dev/sda2 with suitable (user) options this
> > problem goes away, but I would like to refer to a more ipod-specific
> > device:
> > /dev/disk/by-label/IPOD
> >
> > How do I do this?
> >
> > Thanks
> > David
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