KPackage cannot connect to localhost port 22

Never you mind scrpt at
Fri May 12 06:18:52 BST 2006

On 11/05/2006, at 11:22 PM, Robin Atwood wrote:

> On Thursday 11 May 2006 11:22, Never you mind wrote:
>> On 11/05/2006, at 1:11 AM, Justin Denick wrote:
>>> Some boxes don't allow root to gain ssh access. Smart idea in my
>>> opinon.
>> Right. I can see what your saying. It's a bit annoying that KPackage
>> throws an error instead of providing an informational response, eg,
>> "Access denied. Configure sshd on this machine to allow root access 
>> via
>> SSH protocol".
>>> Look at the sshd.conf file and comment out the line preventing root
>>> ssh access.
>> I can see /etc/ssh/sshd_config. I set PermitRootLogin to 'yes' and
>> uncommented it.
> Can you 'ssh root at localhost' from a console?

No, I can't

> If not, have you got 'sshd:
> LOCAL' in '/etc/hosts.allow'?

The first line of /etc/hosts.allow says:

ALL : ALL : allow

that should cover  it shouldn't it?


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