More on Konq and java and some firewall info

John john_82 at
Sun Jan 15 21:15:07 GMT 2006

If type exactly what in the konq box in Konsole I get java usage displayed.
If I add -showversion I also get:

john at linux:~> /usr/java/jre1.5.0_05/bin/java -showversion
java version "1.5.0_05"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_05-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_05-b05, mixed mode, sharing)

I found an rpm for mozilla and that installs without error unlike the official 
web site version. All java including the are ok with that but 
I have no idea where moz gets it's java from. Samlearning has some demo pages 
available by the way. All in all I would rather Konq worked correctly.

On the firewall. I've allways been appalled by the interface to the linux 
firewall. Like most people I lack the knowledge to set it up as I would like. 
While looking for a moz rpm I came across guarddog. I installed a suse 9.0 
rpm ignoring it's need for a legacy nvidia lib and it work fine - It's an 
excellent piece of work. The same suse9.0 rpm should work on any kde 3.x 


On Saturday 14 January 2006 16:57, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Thursday 12 January 2006 22:47, John wrote:
> > Also if I go to
> >
> > I see no dancing duck !
> > No other way to put that.
> Hmm.
> Check that Konqueror does not find the Java plugin in its Netscape plugin
> section.
> Konqueror uses the Java virtual machine directly, i.e. starts the "java"
> executable.
> Try to run the "java" executable on the commandline with exactly the same
> command you entered in Konqueror's configuration.
> Cheers,
> Kevin
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