Fwd: Microsoft respondents say they cannot open LINUX attachments. What can we advise them please

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at comcast.net
Sun Oct 30 04:20:02 GMT 2005

On Saturday 29 October 2005 04:20 pm, JACKIE AINSWORTH wrote:
> --- JACKIE AINSWORTH <jackieinbosham at btopenworld.com>
> wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 20:39:57 +0100 (BST)
> > <jackieinbosham at btopenworld.com>
> > Subject: Fwd: Microsoft respondents say they cannot
> > open LINUX attachments. What can we advise them
> > please?
> >
> > thanks.

This is a problem on two fronts:
1.  That someone thinks that just because I use Linux the format of the 
OpenOffice.org file, or any other file for that matter, is inherently 
different.  This seems to be a problem on both sides of this fence!  So, lets 
clear the air, OpenOffice.org 2.0 uses the OpenDocument Format, 
OpenOffice.org 1.x uses a differently formatted XML document type.  NEITHER 
have specific file formats depending on the OS they use.  (Unless they are 
using a Beta of OOo 2 as I found that some older betas have problems opening 
newer betas files).

2.  That This is a Linux verses Windows battle, when its not at all.  Its a MS 
Word, or Office, versus OOo battle.  For that there are some other 
	a.  That the people you are sending the documents to download and install OOo 
(the most prefereable way to handle this issue from my perspective.)
        b.  That you save your files in a more Word Processor nutrial format 
(such as RTF, or even since you have OOo, pdf or Doc).
        c.  You fax your documents to them.


See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!
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