kommander issues

Christian Mueller cmueller at gmx.de
Wed Aug 17 07:17:25 BST 2005

Am Donnerstag, 18. August 2005 20:57 schrieb John R. Sowden:
> I am starting to play with kommander, a kde gui front end to, it seems 
> anything.  I was referred to it by the fellows at the linuxworld/san 
> francisco kde booth.
> 1) The doc files are in /opt/kde3/share/doc/end/html, if I got that right.  In 
> that directory are .png files (graphics) and .docbook files, which appear to 
> be xml text files.  when using firefox to look at them, I get the following 
> error:
> XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
> Location: file:///opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/en/kommander/credits.docbook
> Line Number 23, Column 12:<title>The &kommander; Development Team</title>
> -----------^

If I understand correctly there should be a HTML file along with the docbook 
file (the latter one is not meant to be viewed with a browser). 

On my system there's 
but also 

The credits.html file displays fine here. 

No idea about your other question, I haven't used Kommander yet. 

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