Cdrom detected like a hard drive

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at
Wed Aug 3 05:08:52 BST 2005

Fab . wrote:
> Indeed, I think that the name /dev/cd isn't right for KDE because I
> changed my udev rules to name it "/dev/cdrom" and it works now !
> Anyway, it remains that it is odd that KDE depends on the names of
> the devices instead of, for exemple, what is writen in
> /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info (modified or not by udev rules..) !

Yes, I consider this a bug and wrote a report for it:

However, I marked the bug as LATER since there is currently no platform 
independent method of doing this.  I hope that that situation will 
change in the future with DBus and/or HAL.

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