KMail is a good... BUG

Robin Rosenberg robin.rosenberg at
Sun Jun 13 13:40:47 BST 2004

On Sunday 13 June 2004 13.58, Ze wrote:
> So the problem continues, or there is anything else to do?

If you can grab the mail in its pristine form, or the form it has on the 
server, I'm sure the KMail team or someone else will be able to fix
the problem.

There have been a lot of tcpdump options here lately.

	tcpdump -i eth0 -s0 -w filename 

dumps all traffic to a file that can be analyzed later via e.g. ethereal
and you don't have to see all traffic. Ethereal is nice in that you can
follow a TCP session in clear text, i.e. a form suitable for debugging the

Yet another option is to leave the messages on the server for a while
(pop3 account settings). That way the message can be retrieved unmangled

Or (if it's your server, set up an alias to send a copy of all your mail to 
another account) and retrieve the mail from there when the problem occurs. 
Using procmail is also possible,

It may be enough if you can save a mail from mozilla and import it into kmail
and see if that has the same effect.

-- robin
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