ANSI VGA fonts (*.pcf.gz) w/ KDE v3.2.3 Konsole

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at
Wed Jul 7 03:07:06 BST 2004

Joe Riley wrote:
> dear mailing list,
> i installed new KDE today and i cannot seem to get my custom VGA fonts - such
> as vga11x19.pcf.gz, sabvga.pcf.gz, and nexus.pcf.gz to load.
> does anyone know how to get KDE Konsole to load a font capable of displaying
> ANSI graphics (such as the ones mentioned above).
> Currently the Custom Font dialog says Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Courier Cursor
> I would like my font to appear or possibly replace one of these I've
> accomplished it before.

I tried this and it doesn't work for me either.  It substitutes something else.

I think that KDE/Qt now substitutes scalable fonts except for the default
Konsole fonts.

You can install a special version of Courier called MS LineDraw which is a
TrueType font and supports DOS characters.  This comes as a self extracting EXE
file: "gc0651.exe".  Google for the file name to find a place to download it.

To extract:

	cabextract -L  -d  .  GC0651.EXE

Then move the font file: "linedraw.ttf" to your TrueType directory.

The mono spaced TrueType fonts:

	Courier New
	Andale Mono

are supposed to support DOS CP437.  You might want to try them as well.


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