$HOME/.bash_profile is not sourced when starting with KDM

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Thu Feb 26 06:21:39 GMT 2004

James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> Brian Monroe wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> It was foretold that on Sunday 22 February 2004 12:53, James Richard 
>> Tyrer would write:
>>> If you installed from source on Linux, you probably have this problem.
>>> Your "$HOME/.bash_profile" script is not sourced (executed) when you 
>>> start
>>> KDE with KDM.
>>> The reason for this is that the Xsession file does not source it.  It
>>> contains the line:
>>>     $HOME/.profile
>>> This needs to be changed to:
>>>     $HOME/.bash_profile
>>> There is a bug on this which was closed as invalid.
>>> I have reopened it:
>>> http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53345
>>> Note: this only applies if you built from source.
>> Would  a symbolic link to the bash profile also work?
> Yes, it should.

Perhaps I should amplify this.

Yes, it should *IF*.  Yes the big *IF*. :-)

Newbies may get tripped up on this.  If you run the: "Xsession" script as 
Shell and it sources your: "/etc/profile" & "~/.bash_profile" scripts you 
WILL have problems if the scripts contains Bash syntax extensions (and if 
you have modified them, they probably will since the: "if - then - else" 
syntax is a Bash extension) you should also change the first line of the 
"Xsession" script:

	#! /bin/bash

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