No Sound KDE

Harmen Schaap harmen.schaap at
Wed Oct 15 16:34:01 BST 2003


> CDROM works fine otherwise, data in - out etc, and within Windows I have
> no problem, so I doubt it's a hardware issue.

Just my 0.02c. Isn't Windows just reading the track as some kind of data (wav 
file), and isn't using your normal audio-output from the CD-Rom ? Does it 
work in Windows when you press the play button on your CD-Rom drive ? If not, 
you have no audio-cable from the CD-Rom to the soundcard/motherbord :-D

Because the drive is playing the CD, I assume that there's no output through 
the cable. Or your CD-audio is muted :-)

Oh yeah since you have 2 CD-Roms in there, you probably don't have 2 cables 

Harmen Schaap
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