konqueror doesn't seem to identify file types properly

gabriel gabriel at trytel.com
Tue Oct 14 05:22:49 BST 2003

is anyone else having this issue?  you have 10 or so files in a directory, and 
even though they're all similarly named (xxxxxxxxxx.php) the files are given 
different file types by konqueror!  in some cases, the file is considered a 
"plain text file" and in others, it's called a "c++ file" or a "c source 
file" or an "html file".

now i would imagine that konquor tries to identify the filetype by reading it 
somehow and decides it's filetype in that manner, but is there a way to just 
get it to ignore that (since it's not doing it right anyway) and just go by 
the extension? (.php).

thanks ;-)

the reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
	- george bernard shaw

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