Compiling the KDEMULTIMEDIA source package with ALSA support
Nave, Ronald
NaveR at
Thu Oct 2 16:26:03 BST 2003
I am running Red Hat 9 with Kernel 2.4.22
I have also installed alsa version 9.7 sound drivers.
I am attempting to get support for MPG and midi files
I can not get the kmidi player that came with Red hat to work properly
I have downloaded and am attempting to compile and install
kdemultimedia-3.1.4 from source code
If I build the source with the standard commands
make install
Make builds the executable files , but does not seem to install them
If I run the newly compiled kmidi application , I get an error message
that kmidi was not compiled with Alsa support and it will not play midi
If I modify the configure command to add --with-alsa ,
I then get compiler errors in the file alsa.c.
The errors include undefined symbols SND_PCM_REPLAY and several others
as well as undefined functions.
I have searced my hard drive header files and can not find any reference to
the undefined functions and symbols.
There seems to be a missing library or header file.
I have downloaded and installed all of the alsa packages that I can find
They all compile and install without error.
However, the kdemultimedia package will not build with ALSA support enabled.
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