Virus free desktop

John Davidorff Pell johnpell at
Thu Nov 20 01:55:03 GMT 2003

> What you'd need to do is to forbid the user ever to create
> instructions that are executed by the system (or cripple the available
> set of instructions really, really, badly).  This means no macros in
> your spreadsheets, etc., etc.

Does anyone ever actually use ANY MACRO that does ANYTHING more than 
move some data around the spreadsheet, or copy it to another sheet? If 
you use a MACRO to do anything more than simple stuff like that then 
you're begging for a simple typo to wide out some important stuff!

Also, isn't a MACRO (and I'm not talking about in M$ Orifice where 
MACROs are written in VB) just a script? Why couldn't you write and run 
a complete script as a non-privileged user??


It's all fun and games 'til someone writes to a NULL pointer!

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