File Associations

kdebox at kdebox at
Wed Apr 30 15:47:26 BST 2003


I have recently installed redhat 9 and I use the KDE-desktop.

I have edited the file-associations tab in the Kde-configurator. At the 
HTML mimetype-entry I have moved the Konqueror all the way up 
the list, the other two browser are 2nd and 3rd, Mozilla is all the way 

My PROBLEM is: I have recently installed the Redhat documentation 
from the documentation CD. Now when I click on one of the .html 
files that have shown up in my startmenu under "documentation", 
Mozilla is used to view these, even though Mozilla is all the way down 
the list of preferred apps for the html-mimetype. Even when removing 
mozilla alltogether from the list of associated applications mozilla is 
used for viewing .html files.

When I click on a .html file on my desktop, konqueror is started, so 
that is correct, since Konqueror is at the top of my list. When I use 
konqueror as a filebrowser, the embedded html viewer is used. 
However when I go to the embedding tab of the HTML-mimetype and 
select "seperate app" as opposed to embedded viewing I cannot view 
HTML-files when using the Konqueror as filebrowser, it then says that 
Konqueror cannot view Text/HTML files!

My QUESTION is: why is Mozilla started, even when it has no 
association with the Text/HTML mimetype? Is there some other place 
where .html files are associated with Mozilla? Or is mozilla the 
backup-app that is used when all else fails?

Secondly, why can't I use the "separate app" thing when I have 
Konqueror as my nr. 1 associated app for the html-mimetype? 

Thanks a lot!


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