KDE 3.0 Problems: launching Galeon from KMail and shutting system down

Jeremy Lunn jeremy at austux.net
Fri Sep 6 04:59:44 BST 2002

On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 05:50:36PM +0200, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> KDE assumes that a program can only oipen local files unless it is told 
> otherwise.
> use the %u parameter for that
> This has be asked and answered a lot of times before. Have  a look at the 
> list archives for other answers.

Thanks.  That's one problem out of the way.  I did try searching the
archives but didn't come across it.  Pitty that isn't mentioned in the
KMail documentation where it talks about using other browsers.

I agree with what others have to say about quality free software being
no right.  It's just a pitty that when some things work properly that
the users blame the whole system.  In some ways it might just be because
things have to be done differently and I'm sure I would have had the
same problem migrating them from NT 5.0 (aka Win2k) to 5.1 (aka WinXP).

Obviously we can't demand anything out of volunteers.  However, we
should be careful to ensure that software is as bugfree as possible
before being released as stable.  Perhaps though, it was already well
tested and functioning fine and the problems (eg shutdown) are
indepedent to a few systems.

Thanks again,

Jeremy Lunn
Melbourne, Australia
http://psi.sf.net/ - Jabber client for Linux/win32/MacOS.
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