kdeinit: kdesktop 100%cpu even after logout

Basil Fowler bjfowler at chanzy.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Nov 14 14:14:35 GMT 2002

To locate the process giving trouble, run the following command at a terminal:

top -b -n1 | less

This will provide a list of all processes - running, sleeping or zombie.  You 
will then be able to find the culprit and shut it down.

If the process is YaST (SuSE) this is a fault with the qt-3.0.5 libraries.  
Certain files ( libqutils ) are found in version 3.0.3 but not in 3.0.5  
Copying the missing files from the qt-3.0.3 library to the qt-3.0.5 library 
may help.

Also make certain that the symlink /usr/lib/qt3 points to /usr/lib/qt-3.0.5

Hope this helps.

Basil Fowler

On Wednesday 13 Nov 2002 12:41, gabriel wrote:
> i have exactly the same issue
> and have reported it as bug #49935
> http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49935     
> On November 7, 2002 04:37 am, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 	I have been using KDE for some time know, but recently after upgrading to
> > 3.0.4, I have discovered a problem.
> >
> > 	If usera logs into kde and does this or that and then logs out, there is 
> > kde:  kdesktop process that continues to run, and soaks up 100% of the
> > processor.
> >
> > 	I have searched SuSE's web site, but haven't found anything and just
> > before heading to kde.org, I thought I would ask if any of you already 
> > the solution to this.  Needless to say it is really reeking havoc on my
> > "experience" :-).
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