Possible public IP pool block

Nate Graham nate at kde.org
Tue Feb 18 17:20:05 GMT 2025

Thanks for reaching out to us, Vicente. We will get this looked into as 
soon as possible.

Nate Graham
KDE e.V. Board of Directors

On 2/18/25 6:29 AM, VICENTE SOLA OSCA wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Vicente Solá, and I'm the Communications Technical Manager 
> for public schools under the Generalitat Valenciana, the regional 
> government of Valencia, Spain.
> We use a customized version of Ubuntu called LliureX (www.lliurex.net) 
> in our public schools.  Our latest version uses the KDE desktop environment.
> We believe there may have been a misunderstanding. The high traffic 
> originating from our public IP addresses may have been flagged as an 
> attack. However, this traffic is simply the normal network activity 
> generated by KDE when running and checking internet connectivity.  We 
> have 1800 schools using this system, which accounts for the volume of 
> traffic.
> Currently, we are unable to access any websites or services from 
> kde.org. This is resulting in limited connection pop-ups and frozen 
> computers, severely impacting our schools.
> Could you, please, check if  our public IP address pool is blocked, and 
> unblock it?
> Our pool is:
> whois records:
> inetnum: -
> netname:        generalitatvalenciana
> descr:          Internet Public Addresses
> descr:          __
> country:        ES
> admin-c:        MI4460-RIPE
> tech-c:         MI4460-RIPE
> status:         ASSIGNED PA
> mnt-by:         MAINT-AS3352
> created:        2017-05-31T07:37:15Z
> last-modified:  2018-07-09T15:36:51Z
> source:         RIPE
> Thank you for your time and assistance.
> Sincerely,
> *Vicente Solá Osca*
> *Soporte Avanzado Comunicaciones y Seguridad*
> *Servicio SILO Educación*
> Avda. Puerto, 19, Valencia 46021
> Tel 963 871 971
> Email vicente.solaosca at telefonica.com
> ­
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