Hard-to-find newsletter form

Kevin Herschbach kevinherschbach at web.de
Tue Nov 19 07:57:11 GMT 2024

Dear KDE team,

I've got an observation and a question:

- Observation: There seems to be no newsletter form on any of the KDE websites. As someone with an online marketing background, this strikes me as a missed opportunity. Maybe it makes sense to place a sign-up form at the bottom of your web pages?

- Question: I did eventually find an option to sign up for your newsletter, but apparently there are two: one for KDE Apps and one for Plasma.
As someone who's preferred desktop environment is Plasma, I'm very much interested in the upcoming KDE Linux distro. Which newsletter would I need to sign up for to receive regular updates on its progress?

Thanks a lot for your help and have a great rest of the week!

Greetings from Bonn, Germany

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