[WikiWed] 10 Apr. 17-18hr UTC

James Graham james.h.graham at protonmail.com
Thu Apr 4 16:32:24 BST 2024

This month's WikiWed will be next week on Wed 10 April from 17-18hr UTC.

All are welcome!

WikiWed is a time for the wider community to meet, find areas in KDE's wikis that need work, discuss issues and make edits together.

So this is my first time organising and so it's clear the meeting room is not the same as last month as I need something I had control of and it saves Joseph a task. It will however continue to be the same in subsequent months.


  *When*: Wed. 10 April from 17-18hr UTC. 

  *Where*: https://meet.kde.org/b/jam-di0-erf-jze

Hope to see you there!


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