Fwd: Page translation error

Guo Yunhe i at guoyunhe.me
Sat Sep 2 04:15:32 BST 2023


Should have been fixed. Thanks for the finding!

Guo Yunhe / @guoyunhe / guoyunhe.me

2023年8月31日 04:29 来自 aacid at kde.org:

> Dear Yunhe Guo,
> please check this.
> Best Regads,
>  Albert
> El dimecres, 30 d’agost de 2023, a les 10:55:10 (CEST), Pixel Black va 
> escriure:
>> In the webpage "https://timeline.kde.org", the Simplified Chinese webpage (
>> https://timeline.kde.org/zh-cn/) about "KDE 第三次会议准备会议 (KDE Three Beta
>> Conference)" seems to have a problem with the translation of the date
>> (beginning) under the entry. In the English version, the date is "July
>> 2000", but in the Simplified Chinese version, the date is "2007 年 7月(July
>> 2007)". I think this is a translation error and I hope it can be corrected.
>> Also, I am a Chinese student and I am not very good at English. The above
>> content was translated by Google and then modified.

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