About Windows installer

Tatsu Takamaro tatsu.takamaro at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 15:08:33 BST 2023

Hi, dear developers of Okular. I've just read on your download page 
this: "If for some strange reason you can't use the Microsoft Store you 
can try the stable version from release nightly build.".

Well, if you think that rejecting MS Store is strange then you're wrong.

The fact is when you install programs from Store, you can't see the 
installation folder normally. The installation process hides all useful 
information from a user. You can't even find the starting exe-file and 
make a label (link) on it, you cant' place it where you want. You can't 
modify some ini-files because you just don't know where they are. Store 
behaves like a tiran, in Apple logic. Thats why many people dislike MS 
Store and try not to use it ever if possible.

Thus, apparently, when we don't want to use MS Store, it is NOT strange.
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