Having trouble adding my own puzzles to Palapell. I have played Palapell several years ago and absolutely loved it, but when my Ubuntu was upgraded to 18.04.6 the software was lost. I just now found it again but I don't remember it being so difficult to add my own pictures. I have been unable to figure out how to also change the number of pieces on the ones that come with it, I used to remember there being a slider at the bottom to select the number of pieces and I don't see that now. There seems to be a small icon which I assume is a "browse" button so I can browse in my own picture folder for what I want to add but it will not open when I click on it, what is the problem? Please advise on how to at least add my own pictures that I myself have taken, Thank you

Jeremy Whiting jeremypwhiting at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 01:21:56 GMT 2022


The kde-www list is mostly about the kde.org websites. You may want to try
the kde-games-devel list
https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel That said I took a
quick look at how to create new puzzles in Palapeli just now with the
latest package here on archlinux and it was mostly straightforward. Here's
what I did:

1. Click "Create New Puzzle..." either on the toolbar or in the Game menu.
If you already have a puzzle open you first have to click "Back to
2. Choose an image file. I tried with both png and jpg files. Both worked.
3. Give it a name and specify the "Name of image author" fields otherwise
you can't click Next
4. Click next then pick how many pieces.

I don't see any way to edit an existing puzzle to change how many pieces it
has. Maybe that option got removed at some point.

Jeremy Whiting

On Sun, Feb 6, 2022 at 11:53 AM Jean McClendon <jeanvmcc at gmail.com> wrote:

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