Identity username reset

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Fri Sep 4 18:59:08 BST 2020

On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 5:40 AM Szőts Ákos <szotsaki at> wrote:

> Dear list members,

Hi all,

> I would like to register to KDE Identity. However, it says my e-mail
> address
> is already taken. When I go to the forgot password link, it says that
> „Email
> address does not match those known for the given username.
> Username does not exist.”
> May I kindly ask you to either create a forgot username section or remove
> the
> compulsory username input from the reset password form?
> Thank you very much and all the best,

I've sent the user their username off-list.

> Ákos Szőts

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