Username recovery for

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Sat Jun 15 10:29:18 BST 2019

On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 7:27 PM Alessandro Polverini <alex at> wrote:
> Hello,

Hi all,

> I'm sorry to write you but I'm stuck, unable to login to
> anymore because I've lost my username, how can I
> recover it?
> I've tried every way but it seems there is no way to recover it.
> The only recovery option available is for the password and it asks me
> both the username and the email address.
> I know the password, but I don't know the username!
> I tried to register a new user but the system won't let me do it because
> it says that the email is already taken.
> This means the email address is (unique) key in the database, so why
> can't I use it to login instead of using a username?
> Can you please help me getting out of this situation?

Alessandro emailed Sysadmin as well regarding this around the same
time, and his mail there has been responded to with the necessary

> Thanks :-)
> Alex


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