[www.kde.org] [Bug 376291] New kde.org adds tracking by 3rd-party, googleapis.com

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Mon Feb 13 16:37:46 UTC 2017


--- Comment #3 from Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau at kde.org> ---
Thanks for the detailed reasoning, Ken. While I see the advantages there are
with using Google as central font delivery network, and I also acknowledge
Google's official efforts to try to minimize data accumulation around font
usage from their free service, in the end it still means that they as 3rd-party
do accumulate data about people visiting KDE.org pages, like Ip address, time
and then all the header stuff like user agent, which is often good enough to
roughly identify people and thus do more statistics over them, if interested.
They do not promise to not do it (and he, with evil forces on them they might
even have to do it). Only one request per day (as currently, they could change
that without anyone instantly noticing) still makes up to 365 samples per year
with today's digital citizens, and then Google knows already more about my
surfing than most of my relatives ;)

No need to create data that can be abused, unless unavoidable. That would be
the rule I ask to follow here.

And I think we can avoid it, without paying too much for it. I assume that the
updates Google does to the noto font are not that important to have them
instantly available to KDE.org visitors, right? So hosting a copy on KDE
servers and serving that instead should not be a risk, and we can still update
it once in a while.

Using https also comes with a cost, but privacy sadly is not for free here.

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