Why i can't delete my account?

Fabrizio Serena iw3foy at virgilio.it
Wed Jun 29 10:39:25 UTC 2016

Hi, i tried any way but no way! No chance to deleta my account from kde 

    User Accounts

*Community* may be read by any member of the public, without the 
creation of a registered account. Contribution in any form does, 
however, require the user to have a registered account. Registered users 
have a sidebar link to several Preferences pages. On the first page 
there is a field for entering an email address. This is optional, but it 
is recommended that you do enter one, as it may be impossible for us to 
help with a lost password if you do not. Your email address is not 
publicly viewable. Pages other than the first one are mainly for display 
preferences and should be browsed at your leisure.

In order to contact another user you should use the user's Talk page. 
This ensures that both of you are addressed only by your *Community* 

 From time to time users will be granted extra rights by associating 
them with a user group. As an example, a potential translator needs to 
request to be added to the *Translator* group. Without that he cannot 
access the translation system.

You don't say how or why we can delete the account.

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