Long Term / KDE.org Design Update

Vikram Dhillon dhillonv10 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 18:32:20 UTC 2015

Hi Ken,

I would like to help out as well, is there a specific mailing list for
this? Also is there a roadmap for this effort? If not, maybe making one
would be a good step to start with. Cheers!

- Vikram
Sent from my MotoX
On Mar 18, 2015 4:54 PM, "Ken Vermette" <vermette at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Everyone;
> My name is Ken Vermette, I'm a member of the VDG and by trade a web
> designer/developer. We're interested in modernising the kde.org websites
> and getting the ball rolling on better unifying the sites as a whole. I'm
> personally willing (and expecting) to invest the time and programming
> effort required to do this. I know it's obvious, but we'd also like to work
> closely with the web team.
> It's a huge undertaking and we know it will easily take years to finish
> all the sites; we would like to know we aren't stepping on toes,
> duplicating existing efforts, etc. Before any of that we need the
> green-light from here, and would also like to invite web-team participation
> in building a maintainable and more universal kde.org network.
> Thank you, and great work;
>  - Ken Vermette
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