kopete website

Pali Rohár pali.rohar at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 14:28:12 UTC 2014


first one important thing:

kopete icq/aim protocol is downloading this file at kopete 
startup: http://kopete.kde.org/oscarversions.xml

That file contains version information needed for icq client to 
successfully authenticate with icq server. All these data are 
also in icq source code. But in past those data was changed and 
downloading data from kopete.kde.org cause that older kopete 
versions was able to connect again. Data from website override 
hardcoded data in kopete source code.

And I updated data from website to icq source code only for v4.14 
release. So if you cut down that url all kopete versions before 
v4.14 stop working.

So after updating kopete.kde.org website, please make sure that 
above url will still work and please write me how to change that 
file in future (so when something will be broken I can update 

File is downloaded with KIO::get(url) so if you are going to do 
some magic (redirect/etc) please make sure that it will not be 

In kopete source code I see reference to another file:

But I do not have idea how that file is used.

Next, I did nothing with docbook. Basically I do not have time 
for updating all those user guide books, etc and also I'm not 
very interesting in writing such text.

On Wednesday 15 October 2014 00:09:13 Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> Pali,
> Have you ever done anything with the kopete docbook ? If so
> would you mind adding the faqs from
> https://kopete.kde.org/faq.php to it? I've added links to the
> userbase page pointing to the docbook copy of the pipes and
> chat style guides on
> https://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdenetwork/kopete/chatwind
> owstyleguide.html so those should be taken care of. I also
> added a link to KDETalk below those on userbase. I'll ask
> about where to put the sound files for the pronunciation of
> kopete in english and spanish from the kopete.kde.org site.
> thanks,
> Jeremy
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Jeremy Whiting 
<jpwhiting at kde.org> wrote:
> > Exactly.
> > 
> > On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Pali Rohár 
<pali.rohar at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Sounds good. Also editing userbase wiki page should be
> >> simpler then editing something in svn...
> >> 
> >> On Tuesday 14 October 2014 23:31:56 Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> >>> Pali,
> >>> 
> >>> Thanks for the information on what's useful in the
> >>> existing site. I can do like we did for dolphin.kde.org.
> >>> I'll first move the important content from those three
> >>> pages you pointed out into userbase, then ask
> >>> kopete.kde.org to be a rewrite to userbase kopete page.
> >>> then remove this old content from svn completely. Does
> >>> that sound like a good idea? I especially like the idea
> >>> of userbase because the content can be easily translated
> >>> by end-user's into their own language.
> >>> 
> >>> BR,
> >>> Jeremy
> >>> 
> >>> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Pali Rohár
> >> 
> >> <pali.rohar at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> > On Tuesday 14 October 2014 23:07:04 you wrote:
> >>> >> Pali,
> >>> >> 
> >>> >> Long time no see. How's it going? I see you've been
> >>> >> fixing bugs and such in kopete lately and thought I'd
> >>> >> shoot you an e-mail. I've been cleaning up svn
> >>> >> websites folder migrating sites to git repos and such
> >>> >> and kopete is one of the remaining few sites there.
> >>> >> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/sites/ and it's also
> >>> >> terribly out of date. I wondered which of these options
> >>> >> you'd prefer:
> >>> >> 
> >>> >> 1. Close kopete.kde.org completely (user's can still
> >>> >> find information about it from the userbase and
> >>> >> www.kde.org application pages) 2. Keep kopete.kde.org
> >>> >> and redirect it to the kopete userbase page or
> >>> >> www.kde.org kopete application page.
> >>> >> 3. Migrate kopete web content to git and update it to
> >>> >> reflect kopete current status etc.
> >>> >> 
> >>> >> I can help with any of these but wanted to ask which
> >>> >> you prefer. I wont be updating the site content itself
> >>> >> in anyway, you can do that or find someone else to do
> >>> >> it, but I can do the migration. Let me know what you
> >>> >> think.
> >>> >> 
> >>> >> BR,
> >>> >> Jeremy
> >>> > 
> >>> > Hello,
> >>> > 
> >>> > I have never touched kopete website because I did not
> >>> > know how and also I did not have time for it. Even I
> >>> > did not know what website is in svn...
> >>> > 
> >>> > In last years I fixed lot of bugs in kopete and
> >>> > implemented some new options. You can see in kopete git
> >>> > that I regularly pushing changes. But I really do not
> >>> > have time for maintaining web site or something
> >>> > similar.
> >>> > 
> >>> > So I think the best would be to keep kopete.kde.org DNS
> >>> > record and redirect webpage to userbase.
> >>> > 
> >>> > I think there are 3 important things on kopete.kde.org
> >>> > webpage:
> >>> > 
> >>> > 1) Pipes Plugin guide:
> >>> > https://kopete.kde.org/pipesimplementationguide/index.ht
> >>> > ml
> >>> > 
> >>> > 2) Chat window style guide:
> >>> > https://kopete.kde.org/chatwindowstyleguide/index.html
> >>> > 
> >>> > 3) Info about existence of KDE XMPP server:
> >>> > https://kdetalk.net/
> >>> > 
> >>> > I do not know if these two guides are somewhere else so
> >>> > this could be backup (or link from userbase?).
> >>> > 
> >>> > --
> >>> > Pali Rohár
> >>> > pali.rohar at gmail.com
> >> 
> >> --
> >> Pali Rohár
> >> pali.rohar at gmail.com

Pali Rohár
pali.rohar at gmail.com
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