KDE TechBase MediaWiki skin

Sayak Banerjee sayakb at kde.org
Mon Jan 27 22:08:15 UTC 2014

Hello Juliusz,

I'm glad to hear that, thanks! What you see there is the Neverland theme:

2. https://projects.kde.org/neberland

Let me know if you need any specific information around it. I'd also like
to mention that we are planning to replace Neverland with a Bootstrap 3.x
based theme (Neverland is based on Bootstrap 2.3.2).

*Sayak Banerjee*
KDE Sysadmin • KDE e.V. Member
sayakb at kde.org | mail at sayakbanerjee.com

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Juliusz Gonera <jgonera at wikimedia.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> A few people at the Wikimedia Foundation are thinking about creating
> something similar to KDE TechBase for MediaWiki itself. We really like the
> way you customized MediaWiki. Is this the Oxygen skin? Is the most
> up-to-date version at
> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/patches/mediawiki/skins/ ?
> Thanks,
> --
> Juliusz Gonera
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