Fw: random bug in site

Sayak Banerjee sayakb at kde.org
Sun Jan 26 08:50:31 UTC 2014

Hi Shubham,

The site kdewebdev.org is not managed / maintained by KDE Sysadmin. You
might want to contact the project maintainer directly.

*Sayak Banerjee*
KDE Sysadmin • KDE e.V. Member
sayakb at kde.org | mail at sayakbanerjee.com

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Shubham Chaudhary <
shubham.chaudhary at kdemail.net> wrote:

> hi,
>    I just found this random bug on site link is
> http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/screenshots.php
> error shown is
> *Warning*: getimagesize(http://kdewebdev.org/images/page/masthead.png) [
> function.getimagesize <http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/function.getimagesize>]:
> failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.5p1
> Debian-6+squeeze1 in */home/kdewebdev/main/include/base.inc.php* on line
> * 24*
> *cheers*
> *rahul*
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