patron logos on wko

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Fri Dec 7 12:45:16 UTC 2012

Hi all,

We would like to promote KDE e.V.'s patrons a bit more. For that, we talked 
with out tax consultant (there are very strict rules about this) what 
constitues promotion in line with a non-profit. The tax consultant suggested 
that, given a certain form, logos of our sponsors on our websites are fine.

As such, I would like to add logos (but not links) of our patrons in a new 
sidebar on Naturally, I'd be willing to do the webmonkey bits, 
but first, I want to ask if anyone has objections to this.

Patrons provide great value for KDE as they help us to finance our daily 
operataions, sprints, and much more. Yet, we're not able (by law) to give much 
back, hence my question to add logos.

Thanks for your opinion on this,
sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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