Handling sponsorship requests

Sayak Banerjee sayakb at kde.org
Sat Apr 28 23:11:28 UTC 2012

Making an application should be quite feasible, and can be integrated with
sprints and identity as well.
I can use the same framework that sprints and solena (the new version of
Identity) use, and come up
with an application once all the requirements are in place.

Sayak Banerjee
SE (Retail), Infosys Ltd.
Webmaster, KDE Project
Official: sayak_banerjee at infosys.com, sayakb at kde.org
Personal: mail at sayakbanerjee.com

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 9:44 PM, Teo Mrnjavac <teo at kde.org> wrote:

> Hello KDE-www people,
> I'm writing with my GSoC org admin hat on about an idea that could be
> very good for KDE as a whole.
> Lydia and I have been discussing how KDE handles travel sponsorship
> for students, and generally how sponsorship applications are handled.
> Would it be possible to deploy some kind of solution for handling any
> and all kinds of reimbursement and sponsorship requests from members?
> Ideally we'd have an interface for contributors to apply, make their
> case and then later send in receipts. It might be also a good idea if
> an eV member could vouch for someone's application (think new GSoC/SoK
> students applying for Akademy sponsorship). From the eV board side I
> guess they could use an overview of requests, funds and maybe a way to
> rate them and sort a list by priority. Maybe such a software already
> exists and can be integrated into our existing infrastructure (i.e.
> identity.k.o and sprints.k.o). I guess the workload would greatly
> depend on this.
> Now, SoK applications close in less than a week. Could this be a SoK
> project for a student maybe? Is anybody available to mentor?
> As you might know, there have also been some discussions about the
> transparency of criteria. While I do not doubt that the board handles
> requests as diligently and fairly as possible, judging from the
> information I have it is a very manual, tedious and tough task. Having
> a software framework for handling these kind of requests could greatly
> improve the perception of transparency.
> I would appreciate if a board member could comment a bit on the need
> and requirements for this solution, and if someone from the KDE-www
> team could comment on the feasibility.
> Cheers,
> --
> Teo
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