[Kde-events] [kde-promo] Where do we put events an booth on the websites?

Wendy Van Craen wendy.vancraen at kde.org
Tue Jul 28 11:44:31 UTC 2009

I thought there was a meeting in Berlin (LinuxTag ???) about a month ago ?

Lydia knows more about it I think.

Wendy Van Craen
KDE Promotion & Events


2009/7/28 Myriam Schweingruber <schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch>

> Hi All,
> any news on this? Is there a consensus now about the exact location for
> Events?
> I don't mind moving things around, but we really need a definite
> decision where Events should be located, else we will continue to have
> it in different pages and the confusion continues :(
> I can't remember having seen any meeting or decision about this,
> although there was supposed to be a BoF at Akademy (which I certainly
> missed, or did it even happen?), so some feedback would really be
> welcome!
> Regards, Myriam
> PS. Why do we have different mailing lists for promo and for events? I
> must have missed something else here, too
> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 19:03, Myriam
> Schweingruber<schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> >
> > As this is in direct relation to the website, I subscribed kde-www to
> > that and opened a new thread.
> >
> > 2009/5/23 Alexandra Leisse <leisse at kde.org>:
> >> 2009/5/22 Dan Borne <danborne.kde at gmail.com>:
> >>> Be sure to add it to
> http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Promo/conferenceseu !
> >>
> >> I put in a placeholder which can be filled with content on the go. :)
> >
> > Ok, I put in some stuff there, but basically there is a big mismatch
> > on where things should be put apparently:
> >
> > LinuxTag2009 in Berlin is listed here:
> >
> > http://techbase.kde.org/Events/Linuxtag/2009
> >
> > OpenExpo Winterthur 2009 is listed here:
> >
> > http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Promo/conferenceseu
> >
> > That makes absolutely no sense at all, as both are conferences with
> > talks & booths, so they should be at the same place.
> >
> > And IIRC there is also a wiki lying somewhere with event entries. Oh,
> > and didn't we also have a spread.kde.org? What difference is that
> > again? Not promo but marketing but not events or conferences? Why does
> > everything have to be in so many different places? It's a bit as if
> > every time something comes up we discover a new place where to put
> > stuff. It's totally confusing IMHO, and I'm sure not only for me.
> >
> > Proposition:
> >
> > Could we have a plan where to put things? We should clearly state
> >
> > * what is deprecated and should not be used anymore (and should be
> > locked then to deny anybody adding new things)
> >
> > * have one single place for all the marketing, and IMO events, and
> > talks and booth and merchandise should all go in the same place. There
> > still is possibility to make sub-pages, so a proposition could be:
> >
> > spread.kde.org:
> > - Events (where we still can make a distinction between types of
> > events if really necessary, like Dev conferences or General Public
> > events (CeBIT for example)
> >  - Booth (logically a sub-page of events, as these booths are always
> > in relation to some event)
> >  - Talks (given during events, with links tot the slides, docu, etc.)
> > - Marketing (which again needs a tad more clarification on what has to
> > go in there and why it is called Promo elsewhere)
> > - Merchandise (which will certainly have to be somewhere, too, and as
> > it is used in conjunction with events and booths...)
> >
> > I'm willing to give a hand to clear that up, but with help and a clear
> > line on what goes where. And a list of all things lying around
> > somewhere that should go elsewhere since ages, etc.
> >
> > Hope this doesn't come over too much as a rant (which it is, in a way,
> > ..) but today I had to make corrections on two events and got confused
> > over that.
> >
> > If, on the contrary there already *is* such a plan and I am just not
> > well informed, please disregard this mail. But since I am on this list
> > (about a year now) the events/booth/conference pages have changed at
> > least 4 times in four different locations and its really not easy to
> > find a way through all this.
> >
> >
> > Regards, Myriam.
> >
> > PS. Is there a map of the webpages available that could help sorting a
> little?
> >
> > --
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